Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Guest Blogger


My name is Abby. Vikki has asked me to be a guest blogger. I am thrilled to come aboard this project because seizures indeed do suck!

For the last 7 years, I've been a stay-at-home parent to my two kids. My daughter, Ollie, has epilepsy. She was finally diagnosed with Childhood Absence Epilepsy after having seizures for four years.

It took four years of my husband and me pleading and insisting to her doctors that something was wrong with our child. We even have a significant family history of epilepsy, and no one believed us!

Despite having absence epilepsy, fevers trigger larger seizures for Miss Ollie. She is in elementary school, and elementary-aged kids are always sick with fevers. We have become vigilant fever watchers in our household.

I have a Master's degree in Education but have not worked a full-time job since Ollie was born. As many epilepsy parents know, it can be a full-time job.

Luckily, we have finally found some stability with her epilepsy, and I can do something for myself.

I work part-time as a substitute teacher in the same school district where my kids attend. I also work as a freelance writer. I have the flexibility to be there for my kids, and I get to stretch my intellectual muscles as a writer.

I look forward to being a part of this project and sharing part of our journey with epilepsy and seizures.


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