Thursday, January 23, 2020

Pic of Weslee later on May 1 2019 after SEEG

Another Thursday pic!

This was taken on May 1 2019, the day of his SEEG surgery, but later in the day. 

Weslee had troubles waking from the anesthesia from the surgery. The recovery department didn't seem concerned and moved him up to ICU within two hours.

A very on-the-ball nurse, Mr. Shane, noticed that Weslee was super lethargic, not really waking up enough to interact, and unable to squeeze his left hand. It didn't seem right so he immediately called the neurosurgeon who was still in the building and came quickly.

He ordered a CAT scan for ASAP, and once he had the results, he explained: Every probe the surgeon put in caused bleeding in the path/track.  Some people can bleed from one, or maybe even two but the neurosurgeon said he had NEVER heard of every probe causing bleeding.  The bleeding caused the brain to swell.

Then ... I will never forget the surgeon taking me out of the room and telling me that if he did not immediately go back in and relieve the pressure, he will die.  Not could.  WOULD.  Would die.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and despite my wanting to fall apart, I didn't. I bucked up, signed the paperwork, and he left to book the OR. Weslee went within the hour for the emergency surgery (his 2nd of the day) to release pressure and install a brain drain.

While I waited, I sobbed the whole time.  "Would die.  Would die."  It kept replaying. I couldn't lose one of the few people I truly care about.

Weslee came back to the room in a couple of hours.  He had had a stroke and couldn't function, so he was put on this breathing tube.

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