Many people who have seizures often have troubles sleeping in the night. This can, in turn, create more seizures because your body is not working at its peak without proper rest.
Here are a few suggestions:
-Limit naps, making sure you don’t sleep past 2:00.
-Do nothing stimulating 1-2 hours before going to bed. That includes TV, loud music, arguments (!), video games, etc. Instead, read some calming poetry, have a quiet conversation, listen to classical music, do yoga or meditate.
-Take a warm shower. Do NOT take a warm bath because as someone with seizures, you should not be in the bath EVER alone.
-Do whatever you can to clear your mind. Avoid thinking about what you need to get done, or worrying about whether you will get some sleep.
-Try drinking some calming hot tea shortly before bedtime. I use SleepTime Extra or Chamomile.
-Go to bed at the same time every night. If you don’t fall asleep within 30 minutes, get up and walk around for a little while, then try again.
-My son takes Melatonin almost every night. It doesn’t always work, but often enough to help him get some rest.
-My son also sleeps with three fans on (white noise), an actual white noise machine, a radio on playing a station with only classical music, and a nightlight.
If all else fails, see a sleep clinic. They will want to do a sleep test to see if you have issues that prevent sleep, like sleep apnea.
Above all, don’t stress. That will just put more pressure on you to sleep.
What are some tricks that YOU use to sleep? Please note in the comments.
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